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CCCA DGC, ACF AoE Diamond GD Ch, National Show Ch Blackglama Jewel

 Jewel has been an absolutely stellar show cat, the "Jewel" in our crown. Her achievements are Supreme Group Three Entire Exhibit at the 2016 ACF National Show. She was given this award by a panel of three judges and competed against the Best Entire in each of 6 rings. She only just managed to be beaten by one vote for Supreme Exhibit in Show. Its an absolutely special moment in a breeders life to see their cat up on the stage being judged for Supreme at a National Show competing against the best cats in the country. Jewel also achieved Supreme Group Three Neuter Exhibit at the CCCA National Show and was again only beaten for Supreme by a whisker. 

A Supreme Exhibit at the Adelaide Royal Show, the list of her achievements goes on, including  2nd Reserve COTY FASA in less than 6 months. Jewel is now in retirement with her grandaughter ACF AoE CCCA Gd Ch Gold  DGC Blackglama Miss Congeniality stepping into her very big paw prints. 

ACF AoE CCCA Gd Ch Gold DGC Blackglama Miss Congeniality is carrying on her grandmothers tradtiion of being a superb cat to show and a wonderful example of her breed. In 2021 she was FASAs Group 3 Entire and in 2022 she was Reserve Group 3 Entire, this was achieved even though she stopped off to have a litter of kittens during the show year. Gina is also 3rd Best Group Three Entire for 2023, again only being shown for half of the year as she had a litter of kittens. 

Blackglama Miss Congeniality
Blackglama Miss Congeniality
Blackglama Miss Congeniality

Miamber Im It And A Bit has had a smashing season starting February 2019, with a placing at every show so far. 

Itty is now residing at Kasanovacats in the USA where he has granded and has now produced his first litter of kittens. 

Supreme in Show Miamber It And A Bit
Miamber Im It And A Bit
Miamber Vanity Fair
Itty at a Show and loving it

Bronze Double Grand Champion Miamber Vanitys Robroy is GCCSA 2023 Group 3 Cat of the Year after taking the Tandanya Cat Clubs John Evans Memorial Trophy for 2023. This is the 3rd year in a row one of our cats has won this Trophy. 

GCSA 2023 Group Three Entire Of The Year
Miamber Vanitys Robroy

Miamber Peony Blush made the big trip to the 2024 ACF National Show in Sydney and placed in 5 out of 6 rings in a very big class of Group 3 Kittens, what a clever girl! 

Australian Cat Federation National 2024 Miamber Peony Blush
Cat Federation National 2024 Miamber Peony Blush
Steve Meserve Best Kitten 2024
Cat Federation National 2024 Miamber Peony Blush
Miamber Peony Blush CCCA 2024
Blackglama Trick Or Treat CCCA Supreme 2024

And now the BIG one!! Ch Blackglama Trick Or Treat, our Black Mandalay boy, Supreme Group 3 Exhibit and then Supreme Exhibit in Show CCCA National Show 2024 - Adelaide 13-14 July . Peter Anthoney Robert Ristuccia and I have worked so hard towards this for the past 9 years since starting out in Mandalays..Tricky is the 5th Mandalay to go up for a Supreme at a National and the first to crack it. I did say yesterday it takes a village to produce a cat like this...thanks to Chris Merritt and Carolynn who let me bring Trickys father, Jovelles Risky Business into our breeding program, to Faye Martini-Jakson who let me have Kalame Whoopi Goldberg and to the Burmese breeders such as Peta Di Benedetto who didnt throw roadblocks up. A huge thanks to Royal Canin for their sponsorship of myself as an Ambassador, (afterall good cats are built on great food) and for their very generous sponsorship of cat shows around Australia and our two big National Shows. Thankyou to the major sponsors such as Ozpet who dug deep and provided lots of prizes and to all the smaller sponsors who give so much..just too many to name. Congratulations to the FASA CCCA National Show 2024 Team and the 5 International Judges who gave Tricky a unanimous Supreme. Tricky is pictured here with some of his winnings, i couldnt fit them all in!

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